Be Rural
Cooking Class
Fiume in Sicilia
Grappolo di uva
Natura in Sicilia
Pic-nic sotto un ulivo
Pascolo in Sicilia
Raccolta delle olive
Prato fiorito in primavera
Scacce Modicane
Scicli - Panoramica
Scicli - Panoramica
Trekking sull'Etna
Trekking sull'Etna
Scacce Modicane
Raccolta olive
Cooking Class
Fiume in Sicilia
Grano Mulino
Natura in Sicilia
Cipolla Giarratana
Pascolo in Sicilia
Raccolta delle olive
Api in Arnia
Scacce Modicane
Scicli - Panoramica
Mare d'inverno
Trekking sull'Etna
Api e arnie
Scacce Modicane
Pecore al pascolo

Discover the Sicilian countryside

Choose your experience

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Sample me

Cooking class

Herbs of Mr Castello

Talking and harvest of wild herbs

Sicilian working holiday

Grape, carob and olive harvests

Go with wine

Visit and wine tasting

Farmer’s day

Experience with a local farmer

Luisa Manni

Luisa Insider

Who is Luisa Manni
Be Rural

I am Luisa and I am a rural trail advisor. I was born in Ragusa in 1988, I started travelling and working after finishing my high school studies. I live in Ragusa, my base, my roots are here. I speak Spanish, French and English. And I know the language of the country of the Hyblaean Hills. Made of vines, olive groves, carob field; enriched with dry stone walls, created with ancient traditions handed down through millennia. My mission? To take you to an immersive experience of rural life. To get you to fall in love with my land.

Rural Idea

Be Rural is to wander through intimate and rural landscapes: learning the wisdom shared by elderly farmers: fighting your stress, with harvest works: visiting wineries and tasting local specialties, by preparing them with people who have done it throughout their life.

Be Rural is to admire the stars from a meadow. It is to learn the benefits of wild herbs, timeless traditions and sincere smiles. Be Rural Sicilia is to get back to the roots! Would you like to know about the Baroque land? Choose your itinerary and contact me.